The Golden Hexagon - Prologue

                                             The sun’s Amber rays struck

                        The tribe of Afra who were down on the ground.

They cut the ice from the Albanian hills to keep them cool,

As the water from the river Amaya evaporated away,

On the windy hill sat the girl Alia, thinking about the tribe’s fate,

Till Princess Aurora entered the place!


He opened his eyes and looked at the clouds surrounding Him, the beautiful hillocks, the golden sun and the blue sky. The cool morning breeze seemed to taunt Him with their gentle caress. The calm stream flowed beside Him, a crystal clear path of pureness, so clear that fish swimming in it could be seen. 

His amethyst eyes stared at a distance, and he saw the tall mountains, adorned with snow, giving an altogether picturesque scene. He gazed at the sand under his sandals, with glittering specks of minerals, with endless gems and precious stones. He touched the ground and sensed the immense power in it. 

He heard the music of the birds on the emerald trees - colorful, tiny creatures that let out beautiful sounds. He gazed at them, and one single red bird with golden eyes tilted her head back and looked back at Him inquisitively. He smiled. The bird burst into flames, and in its place, a baby red bird sat. A phoenix. The birds momentarily stopped their song. The birds then continued from where they left off.

He shifted his gaze to the trees, and looked at the lush, green creepers, the emerald soft moss, the vividly coloured fruits, the brown bark, the thick foliage.

He stood up. 

The birds stopped their song.

He slowly caught the breeze which was playing with Him, and harnessed her. The Maiden of Wind took her shape, shimmering and as temperamental as the wind. 

He took a handful of sand, and got up. From His hand, He slowly let the sand trickle. The Maiden of Earth took her shape. The calm, peaceful and kind one.

He cupped His hands, and took some water from the stream. He measuredly washed the water in His hands. As the water dripped down His hands, the Maiden of Water took shape. Fierce, proud and confident.

He opened His arms to sunlight, and let it wash over Him. He trapped the rays in His palms and steadily kept rolling the rays, till He dropped it on the ground from where the Maiden of Light took shape. Independent, bright and cheerful.

He held out His hands, and from the breeze dropped a snowflake onto his arm. He slowly tilted His fingers around the snowflake and it began to expand in size. He threw it in the air, and the breeze gently lowered the snow-ball into the ground. A woman emerged from it. The Maiden of Snow. Simple, usually calm, but violent when provoked.

He broke a branch from a maple tree, and slowly molded it to the form of a woman. Satisfied with his work, He bent down and planted her. The Maiden of Water touched the soil around and provided the figure water, and the Maiden of Light held her hands above the piece of wood. After completing their work, they swiftly went back to their places. He blew on her, and she grew, till she became a tall, beautiful woman; the Maiden of Trees. Intelligent, generous and giving.

He stepped back and the six women stood to form an arc.

He surveyed his work, satisfied, and disappeared in a brilliant flash.

The birds began their song once again.

And thus, the six Maidens of Life were born, through His generosity and with His blessings.
